factoring method

美 [ˈfæktərɪŋ ˈmeθəd]英 [ˈfæktərɪŋ ˈmeθəd]
  • 网络因素法;因数法;因子分解法;因式分解方法
factoring methodfactoring method
  1. Computing rooted communication reliability of networks using factoring method


  2. Factoring Method and Case Analysis of Income Unequality Components


  3. Deduction of the atomic terms of equivalent configuration by spin factoring method


  4. We also present how to compute the reliability of a program based on factoring method and Markov model .


  5. Through handling factoring analysis method , we have constituted a judgement system of judging the managing status for the securities companies , and have made a demonstrating simulation for China top 12 securities companies . 4 .


  6. Intemational factoring is a new method of payment in intemational trade .


  7. International factoring is an alternative method of international settlement and financing provided by factors to exporters , which involves collection of accounts receivable , financing , sales ledger administration and credit cover .
